I was hoping to give a reading in Lisbon in June as part of the conference ‘(Dis)Locations: The shifting thematics of home’. Instead I gave my workshop and discussion online.
With Tony Burke and John O’Brien, I designed and performed in an evening of poetry and prose for the Wessex Week festival held in October in Malmesbury.
My new full collection, This Thing of Blood & Love, was published by Two Rivers Press in the spring.
Days of Wonder is a poetry collection created in collaboration with artist Rebecca Swainston during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic: for more information visit http://hippocrates-poetry.org/poems-to-live-for-live-2/6-october-2021-poems-to.html
I read my poem that won the 2020 SciPo competition in a special SciPo event on the afternoon of 12 March, called ‘Patterning Thought‘. Find out more about SciPo.
I was delighted to do a reading with Josephine Balmer as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas, on 27 March: you can read details here.
You can get a taste of Jo’s wonderful work here.
You can listen to or read some of my work here:
Readings include:
22 January, King’s College Chapel, London (celebration of Portuguese poets)
13 February, St Peter’s College, Oxford (reading from Point of Honour)
23 June, with Philip Gross – Ledbury Poetry Salon online (reading from A Part of the Main)
30 July – Artlyst/Poetry Society event online (competition prizewinners)
3 September – SciPo event online (competition prizewinners)
3 October, with Philip Gross, St Nicholas Cafe Bar, Shrewsbury
12 October, with Philip Gross, Friends’ Meeting House, Oxford

24 October, Portuguese Embassy, London: event to celebrate Point of Honour
9 November, with Claire Dyer and Susan Utting: Lolita Paints Her Toenails, Poetry in Aldeburgh, Aldeburgh (4.00 pm, Peter Pears Gallery) https://www.poetryinaldeburgh.org/saturday-programme
27 November, with Philip Gross, Cardiff University

22 January, Point of Honour, KCL Chapel, London
15 May, with Philip Gross and dancer Liza Wedgwood, Julia and Hans Rausing Building, Malmesbury